Becky Baylis who is a Canine and Equine physiotherapist, Danny Anholt who is a BHS coach and I came together to deliver an evening looking at rider balance and the effect on our equines- with a particular focus to fascia.
It was a well-attended evening of coaches, therapists and riders, all ready to learn.
The feedback we have received has been great and we’re hoping to put together a follow-up!
Becky’s website can be found here, Little Green Stables.
Sam I just wanted to let you know that following my first treatment yesterday, I had a dressage lesson on my little ex racehorse who is ultra sensitive and for the first time on the right rein I was able to open up my hip , sit more centrally and get my right leg on without tightening up! As a result I felt him relax underneath me and he was able to bring his right hind under and through! An absolutely massive improvement and something I have been struggling to do for 15 years! Bring on the next treatment! I am so looking forward to seeing the results for both myself and my wonderful little horse .